
day one..

Well, I will say this, it could have gone better. The morning started out very promising. I woke up and got dressed (not in workout clothes) and did my make-up in my almost-finished dressing room. I got everyone up and dressed and out the door and dropped off my daughter, Emerson only six minutes late for school. Everyone else was late too though, so it doesn't count. I headed to the Target, not for my usual coffee and meandering, but on a mission for construction paper and stickers for the Girl Scout meeting I had to run this afternoon. Once inside, I held strong and avoided the Starbucks. But then I got sucked in and bought 2 pairs of leggings for myself, 3 pairs of footie pajamas, 3 pairs of knee-highs, a nonstick loaf pan, and Christmas gift tags. When I got half way home, I realized I didn't buy enough construction paper and the nine dollars I spent in stickers never made it in the bag. Awesome! Now off to the Michael's, where I buy more stickers, more construction paper, a package of cardboard coasters, some Christmas ribbon, and a coffee mug that was only a dollar. I did manage to make a big pot of chili in the crockpot for dinner later and get all the stuff I needed for the Girl Scout meeting together and in the car. Except for the book I was supposed to read, which I had to turn around and run back for. I got to Ava's school to meet my husband only 12 minutes late. But he was also late, so that doesn't count either. The time I had carved out after the meeting to take the kids to the gym, was spent in the school parking lot waiting for jumper cables, because my car died. Again, awesome! We did make it home eventually . The kids ate their chili with minimal complaining, while I made some zucchini bread (in my new loaf pan!). We gave baths, read books, laid out clothes and packed lunches. I even got to wash my face and blog before bed. Bed! I forgot to make the bed!

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