
half way day...

It's day 15 of my challenge. It's time to assess where I am with my giant to-do list. I think my list can be divided now into four groups: things I've done, things I will get done, things I'm doing better with, and things I should give up on.

Done: finished my dressing room, decorated for fall, cleaned my office, organized everything in the attic, finished my book club book, and took Finlay's 3 month picture.

Will do in the next 15 days: plan/cook Thanksgiving dinner, finish my Christmas shopping (I only have 4 people left), clean out garage, back-up photos, read one more book, keep blogging once a day, get a Christmas card picture, schedule doctor appointments and write them down everywhere, get passports and find some fun (cheap) things to do with the kids.

Getting better with: drinking more water, reading to the kids every night, laying out clothes & packing lunches the night before, not leaving the house in workout clothes and no makeup (I've been picking one or the other), fitting into pre-pregnancy jeans (only 2 pairs left that don't fit), my weekly budget and washing my face before bed.

Give up on: making my bed every day (I'm 1 for 15), going to the gym every day (or ever), limiting my Starbucks and my trips to the Target (who am I kidding? I love it there!), planning out dinners in advance, time-sucking websites and the laundry!

I feel pretty good about my progress. I've gotten a lot done. And I'm slowly starting to become a little more organized, a little less stressed. The point is that I'm trying, right?

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